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1. Subject:  Generating Instant Traffic To Your Blog

Dear Blogger,

By far, blogs are one of the easiest website models to generate traffic to. With established blog based communities, you are able to maximize your outreach and expose your website to hungry crowds of targeted buyers.

Here are a couple of simple techniques to driving consistent traffic to your new blogs:

1) Keep Your Content Fresh

If you want to retain visitors and encourage repeat visits, you need to ensure that your blogs are consistently updated with fresh, relevant content.  Try to avoid using PLR (Private Label Rights) material and instead, offer your visitors with original, high quality content that is focused on your overall blog theme. If you need to outsource your content, consider hiring an affordable writer from sites like or

2) Ping And Ping Some More
Each time you update your blog, make sure that you ping it to notify blog directories that your website has fresh content.  You can use services like to notify multiple services at once. You can also use plugins that will automatically ping your website each time you post new material.

3) Submit articlesto blog carnivals and directories with a link back to your blogs main page.  Sites like allow you to post content in specific categories relevant to your niche.

For additional traffic generation strategies, and to find out how you can start generating a full time income from your blog, check out for a detailed, step by step guide to killer traffic generation and monetization tactics.

Deb St. George


2. Subject:  Top Wordpress Plugins

Dear Friend,

If you want to optimize your blog for search engine rankings and maximize your traffic and interaction with your visitors, you should take advantage of some of the most useful Wordpress plugins available online.

Here are the top five that I integrate into every blog I create:

1) CodeBanter’s Autoresponder Plugin

Available for free at, you can instantly add an opt-in box to your Wordpress blog, enabling your visitors to subscribe to your newsletter. If you want to make the most money possible online, you need to focus on growing an active targeted list of subscribers. Consider giving your visitors a free report in exchange for their subscription.

2) Spam Elimination

As a blogger, you are likely going to receive a lot of comment spam, which is left for you by spam robots, scripts and even people deliberately leaving comments with no other motive than to spam their website links throughout your blogs pages. You can eliminate this by integrating the free spam management plugin available at:


3) Google XML Sitemaps Generator - creates a sitemap of all articles on your WordPress blog. Helps Google and other search engines index every article you write. Available at:


4) All in One SEO Pack - Optimizes your Wordpress blog for Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization). Download from:


5) Related Posts - Returns a list of the related entries based on active/passive keyword matches. Increase pageviews by providing targeted related content. Available from:

Other Useful Plugins:

6) Share This - lets your visitors to add your post to various social bookmarking sites, or send a link via e-mail to a friend. Available at:

7) Twitter Updater - automatically sends a Twitter status update to your Twitter account when you create, publish, or edit your WordPress post. Download from:

8) WordPress Database Backup - On-demand backup of your WordPress database. Back up your blog today. Download:


Once you have your plugins uploaded and activated, it’s time to start making money with your online blog.

For complete step by step instructions on instantly monetizing your blog, grab your copy of the “Complete Guide To Profitable Blogging” available at:

Deb St. George


3. Subject:  SEO For Your Blog

If you want to maximize your blog’s traffic and obtain top search engine rankings, you need to optimize and tweak your blog so that it’s prime and ready to position itself in the major search engines and generate consistent traffic based on your target audience.

It’s relatively simple to do, even if you are a new blogger and once you have set up your SEO strategy, simple rinse and repeat for every other blog you create in the future.

Here’s a quick start guide to optimizing your Wordpress based blog:

1) Optimize Your Page Titles
Each page on your blog should contain a relevant title, with your primary keywords used within the title and the content itself. You should also modify your main blog’s title to include keywords relating to your niche.

2) Install a Site Map

You can download a free Wordpress plugin that will automatically create a site map for your website. A sitemap encourages search engine spiders to effectively crawl throughout your pages and sub pages, indexing every element of your website.


3) Permalinks

Change your default permalinks so that they include keywords from your page titles, rather than numeric values. You can do this from within your Wordpress’s admin panel.

The default permalink format is: ?p=<postid>, and you should change this to: /%postname%/:

4) Other than optimizing your page titles with relevant keywords, you should also consider optimizing your categories by assigning descriptions to each, using your long tail and primary keyword phrases.  You can do this by adding %%category_description%% in the Description area. Then, write a description for each post or page that features your main keywords.


5)  Don’t forget to optimize any images that you feature on your website as well by adding in IMG tags that include keywords describing the image (Click Here Now!”). You can also implement keywords using alt tag fields.

If you are interested in finding out more regarding blog optimization and generating prime, targeted traffic to your blog, check out my complete guide to making money with blogs, available for a limited time at

To your success,

Deb St. George



Subject:  Make Money With Your Blog

Every day, hundreds of professional bloggers are able to generate impressive paychecks, all from simple blog based websites focusing on hot niche markets.

So, aside from integrating advertisement sponsorships such as Adsense, how else can you make money with your blogs?

The diversity of opportunities now available to bloggers is nothing short of exciting.  Bloggers are now able to maximize their income by creating multiple revenue streams all from single blogs, or by creating a network of related blogs covering various niche markets. 


With the simplicity in which you can instantly create a gorgeous, well constructed blog, it’s never been easier to venture into new markets and explore new possibilities for making money online.

Advertising Programs
One of the most profitable methods of monetizing blogs comes in the form of advertising programs, including Chitika’s eMiniMalls, Text Link Ads and Widget Bucks:

CPA Opportunities

Make money with various high paying CPA offers, where you can set up review based blogs, post surveys, polls and autoresponder based campaigns and get paid for clicks, views and email submissions.


Affiliate Programs

By simply integrating relevant affiliate programs into your blog pages, navigation menu and within your content itself, you are able to generate commissions from products and services sold through your referrals. You can review hundreds of potential affiliate products via marketplaces like


For dozens of other profitable blog monetization options, download your copy of the “Complete Guide To Profitable Blogging” available at:


Warmest Regards,

Deb St. George


5.  Subject: Using Giveaways For Free Traffic

Dear Friend,

An easy way to generate traffic to your blog, or landing page or website is by participating in online giveaways.

 Regardless of your niche market, there are bound to be giveaway events that you can join as a contributor, and in exchange for free promotion, you offer something of value to the subscribers who join the giveaway site looking for free information, downloads and material.

When it comes to the Internet Marketing industry, there are giveaways all year round, usually focused on a current season, holiday or special event.  With giveaways, it’s entirely free to participate and the only requirement is that you offer a free resource of some kind. In many cases, you can even use PLR (Private Label Rights) material that you have a license to distribute.

Giveaways will attract freebie seekers for the most part, however if you are just starting to build an email list, and are looking to generate free traffic to your website, it can be a fun and effective method of reaching out to your market and gaining free exposure. 

One thing to keep in mind however, is that even though you are giving something away for free, it should be highly relevant to the main area of your website (or your niche).  There is no sense in generating traffic by offering a product on one subject when your main focus is on something entirely different, so make sure that whatever you choose to offer in exchange for an email subscription is highly targeted to your niche market, so that you are able to email follow ups to a responsive list of subscribers.

With giveaways, you will need to create a squeeze page that allows prospects to subscribe in order to receive the free gift that you are offering. You can use pre-designed squeeze pages or hire a designer to create a custom one for your website.

Here are a few resources to help you get started:


Here are a few resources to keep you up to date on future giveaways that you can join as a contributor:

To your success,
Deb St. George



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